Post Jam Update

The feedback for our original 48h GMTK2020 entry has been fantastic!

Thank you so much everyone who has played and streamed the game, it has be amazing to see all your reactions :)

We've been working away on an update for The Baby In Yellow this week to bring the game closer to what we original imagined.

The post jam version includes:
* Improved baby physics
* Ambient sound effects and music
* Fixes for gameflow bugs
* Better lighting
* More spooks
* Particle effects
* Complete rework of final sequences
* And some head nods to our inspiration "The King In Yellow" - including new chapter introductions in the form of play excerpts 


Post Jam Version (With Extra Spooks) 122 MB
Jul 19, 2020

Get The Baby In Yellow


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i have played it multipule times


Thank you! We're currently working on a major update, so keep an eye out in the coming months for new spooky content!

i think i know how to


i mean, how do u download it?


um- i dont know how to play it

you could make the game scarier like parts where he walks in the cealing he could have an drinking animation when you give him a bottle more rooms in the house and a purpose to the locked room and a basement with a passage to hell that only opens in the final chapter also this game could have more chapters and jumpscares

I was very excited to view this update! Hope see to more of what you guys have to offer. :)


Awesome update! Can't wait to give it a shot when my kid goes to sleep (I'm not ready to handle 2 kids just yet XD) I'm sure it'll be great though!

hello, i like and enjoy your game. can you add graphics settings? because i have a low end pc.

Hey, we haven't had many reports of poor performance, but I can look into some automatic quality scaling this week :)

Okay, Keep it up! :)